It can be quite embarrassing to have one or more missing teeth. Loose dentures can also be equally challenging, causing you to feel uncomfortable and not like yourself. It can affect your confidence and self-esteem, leading to a loss of enjoyment in life. Fortunately, family dentistry with advanced dental implants in Nashville can help.

Dental implants are changing the lives of millions of people every day. With a perfect smile, you can feel more confident and enjoy every aspect of your life, including your career, dating, and everyday happiness.

Let's start with the basics!

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a small metal post that your dentist surgically places into your jawbone where the tooth is missing. Made of titanium, the implant fuses to the jawbone, serving as the root of the missing tooth. Unlike fixed bridges, implants are durable and rarely need to be replaced. The process can be broken down into a few easy-to-understand steps, which are:

Complete Dental Exam: 


Before starting the procedure, your dentist will consider the number of teeth you need to replace and examine the condition of your jawbone. After the procedure, they will instruct you on caring for your implanted teeth, which is essentially the same as caring for your regular teeth, including brushing and flossing to avoid plaque and decay. You may even work closely with the dental team to create a treatment plan.


It is important to note that placing dental implants involves several surgical procedures, which can take almost three to nine months or more. This is to allow new bone to grow in your jaw and heal. The steps are as follows:

  1. The dentist will place a dental implant cylinder in your jawbone.
  2. You may have a healing period of several months.
  3. Once healed, there's a placement of an abutment, followed by an implant prosthesis or crown.

Pain Control:

Your dentist will provide you with anesthesia during the procedure. This may include local or general anesthesia or sedation. Your dentist will discuss the best option for you. It is best to ensure that you have someone to take you home after the procedure.

Reasons How Dental Implants Can Change Life

They look good:

Implants are aesthetically superior to bridges and dentures because they stay put and look like natural teeth. You may even forget you ever lost a tooth!

Save Adjacent Teeth:

They save adjacent teeth. Plus, dental implants preserve the overall integrity of your healthy teeth. No more decay of otherwise sound teeth.

They build confidence:

No more slippage and noise of dentures to worry about. With implants, you can be confident they will remain firmly in place for decades.

They are reliable:

Unlike dentures, you don't need to worry about misplacing implants. Plus, another advantage is that you won't have to replace them every time.

To enjoy these benefits under one roof, you only need to find a reputable professional for dental implant treatment in Nashville. With proper care, they can last a lifetime!